If you’ve ever used the excuse, “I don’t have time to improve my life,” consider how much time you are wasting. Stop wasting your time. Mindless moments add up. Which is why Art of Alignment Academy’s programs are filled with Mindfulness practices because when you mindfully set yourself up with mindful action, you create more time.
This has a lot to do with your attitude too. For example, in Shonda Rhimes’ Year of Yes, she spent so much time dreading the parties and events that her time, her peace, her possibilities were sucked up by her negative attitude around it. In other words, having a negative attitude is a waste of time!
There are strategies that can help you immensely. For instance, harness the power of N.E.T. time – No Extra Time – and use time spent commuting, running errands, exercising or cleaning the house to feed your mind with high quality coaching and powerful information that will help you achieve your dreams.
When you focus on what’s not working, you are, my friends, wasting time. It’s obviously fine to review what’s not working in order to shift it but focusing on what’s not working is literally a kill-joy and depletes you of energy meant for much better things in your life!
Here’s how to stop wasting time:
– Prepare a list of action items, podcasts or websites that you can utilize in short bursts of time and keep this list handy on your phone or in your planner.
– Combine your N.E.T. time with action, and your results will increase exponentially! (For example, when you go food shopping, can you take the time to be in full communion with the healthy and life-giving food that you are purchasing. Not only are you using time wisely, you are entering into a healthier relationship with your cells! Or perhaps listen to some inspiring talk from your favorite poet, musician, artist, author. When you listen to more of what you want to create in your life, you are setting yourself up to have more time in the future.)
– Take a look at all of the time you could be taking advantage of right now instead of focusing on how much you have “to do”. Presence and mindful awareness are key to NET.
Before you can move full speed ahead into time management systems, it helps to think about why you find yourself wasting time in the first place.
There are many reasons why you might be wasting time. Maybe you haven’t gotten clear on your ultimate purpose, and don’t feel motivated to move forward.
Perhaps you’ve given in to limiting beliefs and are telling yourself you’re incapable of accomplishing your goals.
Or maybe you haven’t yet mastered effective time management skills and are wasting more time than planned. Whatever the reason, you can move forward.
Here are a few strategies that can help you to stop wasting time.
1. Chunking: Chunking is the process of grouping things you need to do by the outcome. Start by capturing, or writing down, everything you need to do. Then, look for commonalities, chunk them together and finally, take action.
2. Priming: Sometimes getting things done is all about being in the right state. By practicing priming every day, for just 10 minutes, you can adjust your emotions and attitude to where it needs to be. When you’re in the right state, you’ll accomplish more and feel more motivated.
3. Rapid Planning Method (RPM): RPM is a time management system that allows you to reclaim control of your life. Take a look at the video below.
There are a limited number of hours in the day, that’s true, but when used effectively, there’s more than enough time to accomplish everything you set your mind to. Specificity, and clarity of what you want your outcome to be is key.
I have been using this method for years and it has transformed my life. My level of productivity has increased exponentially but the real benefit is how clear my mind is and how much more mental acuity I’ve developed.
Best of all, is how easily I can change my state and thoughts in a moment. No useless extra thoughts, so fewer insecurities, so much more confidence and even extra time to do even more of what I truly love in my life!