Dear Creative Leaders:
We each have more to offer than the world expects. Growth is something we’re capable of, as soon as we’re committed to seeing what we can contribute.
Leadership and contribution go hand in hand. This is the lens through which I will invite you to view this journey with me. It is much easier to gain traction through contribution, humility, and fierce devotion when it comes to our art form. In fact, I’d say that it’s easier to live life when our primary focus is on how to serve the greater good.
“To serve the greater good” was a big invitation in the original materials that I sent you. It was my intention to “pull you in” that way because I knew that you would get it. I believe that when we focus on being of service, our lives become easier and better because we tend to spend less time on our own problems and therefore diminish our ego-centered viewpoints.
My belief is that when we commit to our own possibilities, and when we choose to maniacally focus on what it is that we have to offer the world from a deep-seated center of goodness, that our own desires are instantly fulfilled.
That means that by focusing on your true talents and recognizing that your talents are exactly what is needed to bring the world closer together in its own Sacred Circle of Creation, so to speak, that we are operating from a higher field of consciousness. We are connecting to our life experience via the magical functioning of our entire human experience…..our bodies, minds, and spirits. In other words, we are involving ALL of ourselves.
I believe that the path to new and more sophisticated possibilities is in making deeper commitments and focusing on that which makes you feel good.
Think of it like this: for one part of your life, you thought that things would work out in a specific way. You had beliefs, expectations, you were taught a certain way of thinking, of acting, of inter-relating with others. You were sure that, that was the way. You invested yourself in this way because your life experience, thus far, had availed this philosophy that you decided, mostly unbeknownst to you, was “the way”.
Fast forward a few years, when suddenly, you realize that life was not “the way” that you had thought it would be. You experienced a few hard knocks, you got pulled over by the police of life and were asked, on more than one occasion, to produce a valid philosophy license.
The trouble is, you didn’t carry that philosophy any longer. You had changed your mind because you realized that the old way was no longer applicable based on your life experience. And now, your vision of what your future might look like took a very different turn.
That is the nature of things, my friends. Learning to go with the proverbial flow, as we develop a relationship to all that is changing, all of the time, around us is the new invitation in making deeper, more meaningful commitments. The good news is, that the flow is always present.
Right now, our current worldwide pandemic is a drag. It’s full of confusion, political discharge, chaotic rumblings of distortion, but it will have another side. And this “other side” depends on us.
That’s why programs like this one, where we all work together to make that prophetic shift into higher consciousness, works. Your life experience is what is valued here. Your contribution to building something of positive significance serves the greater good because you will be manifesting from your awakened philosophy.
Peer-to-peer leadership and innovation produce resilience. This kind of leadership turns into a greater possibility that instigates profound transformation for ourselves, one another, and the world. It’s how we make things better.
Today, I leave you with this beautiful conversation between Oprah and Thich Nhat Hanh. Please watch it. Every video counts because it is proof of your dedication and commitment to this program. And, we will be reviewing these in our Circle of Creation. Enjoy 😉
Please be sure to do your daily meditation practice to invite peace and well-being into your lives. I position it as an invitation but really, it’s more of a loving requirement if you are to become the Creative Leader that you want to become. Practice is foundational to your success.
I have nothing but love and deep respect for you…